Open MRIs are just like they sound. They are open, while still using magnets to take images of the inside of your body.  Instead of an enclosed capsule, the open MRI uses a magnet top and bottom and is open on all four sides. These decrease the risk of claustrophobia and panic attacks exponentially and allows patients of all shapes and sizes to be able to make use of an MRI to accurately diagnose their problems. In some cases, it is the only alternative for patients.


X-rays use a small amount of radiation (light energy) to capture an image. The radiation passes through your body very quickly, and when it hits something that’s dense (like a bone or other structure), it shows up in white so that a doctor of radiology can get a good look at the area and assess its condition. It’s a low-cost test that’s also quick and painless.  However, an x-ray can only show so much, and if it doesn’t show what’s causing a patient’s pain and swelling, a doctor may then order an MRI scan, which shows more detail because it captures an image in a different way.